Air pollution and CO2 fall rapidly as virus spreads

Teddy Nills
Apr 15, 2020

Reports have shown that emission of plant-heating gas CO2 have fallen sharply because of the quarantine. Scientists estimate that by May, CO2 levels recorded might be the lowest since the financial crisis over a decade ago. What do you think?

‘Hey don’t blame me! I’m trying my best, man…’ -David Scala, Unemployed

‘The remaining emission is from the excess showers parents are taking to hide from their children’ -Starla Bennict, Governess

‘I think this somehow shows that climate change is a hoax. How? I don’t know, with time, I am sure I can infer something wild’ -John Shenagns, Civil War Reenactor



Teddy Nills

This generation’s voice. Uhh, which generation is this?